Digitize System 3505 Prism LX
The System 3505 Prism LX™ is a highly integrated alarm monitoring system that uses state-of-the-art components and circuitry to continuously monitor and display the status of all connected alarms. When an alarm condition occurs, the System 3505 Prism LX™ presents it to the operating personnel via a programmable System 3505 Prism LX™ Monitoring System audible alarm, color graphic display and a permanent printed record on the thermal paper tape. The System 3505 Prism LX™ can monitor up to 500 active alarm points simultaneously, and in any combination of multiplex, telegraph / McCullough codes, direct-wire, digital dialer, network, polling radio, and serial input alarm signals, as well as Ethernet utilizing the AlarmLan. Options can be tailored to your installation’s precise needs.
The System 3505 Prism LX™ monitors three alarm categories: Zone, Dialer, and Box. The AlarmLan option now allows zone inputs to be monitored via Ethernet. Direct Wire zone inputs are monitored via EOL or RPI input cards. Multiplex zone inputs are monitored via Data Gathering Panels/Muxpads via relay contacts and or by monitoring the serial output of connected fire alarm panels. Polling radio zones are monitored via Radio Data Gathering Panels. Dialers are monitored via Digitize DDI-11e Dialer Receiver. Box alarms are monitored via telegraph / McCullough coded boxes or 1221 Radio interface card.
The SYSTEM 3505 Prism LX™ can store 30,000 screens of user programmable. All user data is maintained in the event of a power failure, including the loss of battery backup. Editing user memory can be performed with an external USB keyboard, with the WIN3505 software and uploaded to any Prism unit via it’s built WEB browser in a second or two while the Prism LX is still monitoring events. Relay control is available to control fans, doors and output modules. Programmable point output controls up to 2,048 output points, either remotely or at the System 3505 Prism LX location.
Used as a standalone unit or connected in a network of multiple System 3505 Prism LX’s, the System 3505 Prism LX™ is designed for fire alarm reporting, security alarm monitoring and building management. A dedicated proprietary alarm monitoring system, the System 3505 Prism LX™ has been expressly developed for single ownership applications, such as universities, military bases, municipalities, hospitals, industrial complexes, and other multi-building campus facilities.
The Remote Annunciator offers an interactive audio/visual display of System 3505 Prism LX™ activity at a remote location. Multiple Remote Annunciators can be added to the system, distributing the information to many locations. Remote Annunciator options include automatic Text-2-Cell & E-mail notification.
The Digitize AlarmLan option allows the System 3505 Prism LX™ to communicate with equipment practically anywhere in the world via Ethernet. Multiple 3505’s can be connected as a network, each 3505 functioning as an Alarm Server.
The Test Mode Option masks user specified alarms by alarm point, groups of alarm points, or buildings, for a user specified time not to exceed 8 hours.
Software Support – The encrypted Prism LX Software updates are available on the Digitize WEB site to users with active software support agreements. Updates include any changes to the Linux system as well as the Prism LX and install via the built in WEB browser.
Additional and Custom Options are available for the System 3505 Prism LX. Please consult with the factory

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Chalfont, PA 18914
M-F: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm